Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hello Authors and Readers,

What a year! The EQ blog is quite the hot spot with stats showing hundreds of visitors a day. Hopefully authors and readers connected over the variety of fantastic writing featured here each day.  We make it easy to find new favorites among the memes.  

The EQ Memes return this Sunday. New in 2015 -- the memes are open to other genre authors outside of romance provided they follow the theme of the day. You may have noticed we switch out the meme themes to keep author promotion fresh and enticing. If you have ideas for other promo topics, please leave your suggestion in comments and we'll see what we can do. The EQ belongs to all of us! Let's work together to make it THE place to connect authors with readers. Do spread the word.  

Don't forget our reader/writer community on Yahoo and we're on Facebook too! Find links to the left.  Subscribe to this blog so you don't miss our promo opportunities.
We wish you a wonderful new year.
May all your dreams come true in 2015.
