Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog Party!

Are you an author who also blogs? Today's meme invites readers to our blogs and websites to see what else we've been writing. 

In comments, share your blog topics for the week and website/blog link, then scroll through the participants and do some visiting yourself.  Have fun!

Share your participation with a ready-to-go tweet.
Or make your own.

Blog Party on Exquisite Quills!   #Thursdaytreat


Helen Henderson said...
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Helen Henderson said...

I write… I blog… I ???

Stop by to read more.

This weeks topics are a repost of What is Your Tagline? from Writers' World; Success or Embarassment - What Do You Write About? And advance notice, Tuesday's Titles showcases Dragon Soul by Diana Green.