Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Blog Party!

Are you an author who also blogs? It's a terrific way to show just how versatile your writing is. Today's meme highlights our blog posts for the past week. In comments, share your blog topics along with your blog link

Why not scroll through the participants and do some visiting yourself?  Have fun!

Share your participation on Twitter,, and Facebook with this
ready-to-go tweet. Or make your own! Sharing expands our reach.

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Barbara White Daille said...

Hi! My blog posts include weekly topics, writing news, and sometimes whatever's on my mind. Here's a semi-regular schedule that may change when guest bloggers drop by:

Snippet Sunday

Monday Mix - just as it sounds, a free-for-all. This week I shared news of a guest blog post with a giveaway.

Teaser Tuesday

Wednesday Wisdom - sharing quotes and motivational posts

Thursday - often a Spotlight with a guest visiting, though if they have special date requests, they may drop in any day.

Friday or Saturday - usually a Weekly Wrap-up - where I may do any of these: share breaking news, recap the week, announce what's coming up, and add reminders of any current guest blogs or continuing giveaways.

Hope you can drop by for a visit. You can also sign up to receive post notifications in your e-mail.

Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!


Jacqueline Seewald said...

On my blog this week I featured my new historic Western romance THE KILLING LAND just published by Five Star/Cengage in both hardcover and ebook. To celebrate I announced a giveaway of print copies to readers who leave a contact address. The random drawing will be held on Monday so there is still time if the book interests you.

P.J. MacLayne said...

ON Monday I participated in an exchange of interviews with a group of authors. (We interviewed each other.) Today was my first post of a two month long exchange going by the tag #egg-cerpt exchange. You can see what I'm up to at

Stacy McKitrick said...

On Monday I posted a picture of the potholder I crocheted (and will give away at RAGT). On Wednesday I talked about reading and other things (normally Wednesdays I post what I read in the week, but I'm judging right now and can't discuss it). And Friday I griped about all the bad stuff that happened on Thursday. Hopefully my link works!! :)

Gilli Allan said...

'"Superb writing" Who me...?' My most recent blogpost is about the importance of reviews. Find it at:

Kim McMahill said...

My blog is all about embracing adventure, whether in real life or through the pages of a book. Sometimes I throw in recipes, gardening tips, quotes, new book release announcements or other fun little trivia, like today’s post titled, Fabulous February, where I discuss holidays, events and other occurrences for the month. Other posts this week included:

Nuggets From Life in Fiction – Human Sacrifices

Travel With Impact – Transporting Cattle Solomon Islands Style

If you want to Embrace Adventure, check out my blog at or follow me on twitter at for daily links back to my blog and other interesting tidbits.

Bonnie Phelps, Author said...

This week I posted an interview with the hero of "My Rodeo Man." Zach is one hot cowboy and I had fun sharing some of his innermost secrets with you. For instance: What does he see when he looks in the mirror? What are three of his favorite things? What does he want it to say on his tombstone?
Visit It's In The Story Blog

Helen Henderson said...

Recent posts were a cross-posting of Top Typo-busting Tips. Notices of upcoming events and virtual visits included Paranormal Love Wednesday, a Mega-Anniversary Party, and a live interview on blog talk radio at Other Worlds of Romance. And a special Tuesday Title,"Hatchling's Mate," my new fantasy romance release.

Visit Journey to the stars and worlds of imagination

Linda Acaster said...

Today I'm considering what constitutes a good historical, in both print and screen adaptations - How historical do you like your Historicals?

Check out my website

Stephanie said...

New Book Cover: Testing 1...2...3
a blog at
Stephanie Queen

Maddie James said...

Hi. Thanks for this opportunity to post. I look forward to checking out everyone else's blogs! I've been blogging since 2007 and the topics have varied over the years from romance to cooking to author interviews and slice of life posts. Currently I'm sticking with a few basic themes posted below:

Featured Posts

You can see these in the top right-hand corner of my blog site. Anyone who would like to schedule a post for #ThrowbackThursday or a #FridayFeature just give me a shout and I'll let you know the kind of posts I'm looking for. Check the entire blog out at: Thanks!

Jina Bacarr said...

I've been blogging about Princesses ("You know you're a princess when...") with original graphics. My latest release is about a princess with an addiction problem, a heavy subject. This gives me the op to talk about it in a different way.

I've also been blogging about Civil War medicine since my historical novel mirrors the situation on the PBS series Mercy Street (1862 Virginia hospital).

Here is my blog:
Once Upon a Story

Thanks for the opportunity to talk about my blog!

Mariposa Cruz said...

Sorry to be late to the party! On I post romance author interviews and classic horror movie reviews. On my other blog I interview writers/artists and musicians who balance creative activities and a full time job. Thanks for the opportunity. I look forward to visiting the other authors.

Ann Major said...

I post author interviews and write about my personal experiences writing.