Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Photo Interview: Victoria Adams

EQ Welcomes Victoria Adams

EQ: Welcome to EQ! Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I love to
I love

EQ: Tell us a little bit about your most recent release.
A Guy and A Girl is a NA contemporary romance about a college age dancer and a hockey player.  The original story was written a long time ago – long before cell phones!!!  I don't remember where the inspiration came for this story, but I do remember I had fun writing it.
The tagline sums it up pretty well - Lies, deceits and secrets - not a good way to begin a relationship.

My writing process...

I don't plot so I tend to write myself into corners and have to figure a way out.

Guilty pleasures...

Need I say more???

Risks or challenges...

This is the first book I published – talk about nervous.

Find Victoria Adams at these places:
Blog – Victoria's Pages of Romance –
Facebook – Books by Victoria Adams -

Current release – A Guy and A Girl

Friday, September 26, 2014

NEW! Tasty Genre Samples

Authors often write across genres. Today's meme offers a chance to highlight our works beyond romance.

In comments, share a blurb or excerpt up to 300 words. Be sure to add your website/blog link and one link to where your books can be found. Example: Your Amazon Author's Page.

Share your participation with our
ready-to-go tweet or make your own!

Discover great reads on Exquisite Quills' Mixed Genre Share!    

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Throwback Thursday!

The internet takes a step back in time every Thursday as people around the world share old baby pictures, vintage prom and wedding photos, and other assorted oldies. Authors can share too! This Thursday meme highlights those books in your backlist.

In comments, tempt us with
a snippet, 300 words or less, from your older works. Don't forget your buy link and website/blog link. Have fun!

 Share your participation with our
ready-to-go tweet or make your own:

Discover great reads. Exquisite Quills' Throwback Thursday!    

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hump Day Blurb Share!

This Wednesday meme is all about the blurb. Can a few tempting words of introduction grab a reader's attention? Let's find out!

In comments, tempt us with the blurb
off your book jacket -- just one book please. Don't forget your buy link and website/blog link. Have fun!

 Share your participation with our
ready-to-go tweet. Or make your own.

Discover great reads. Exquisite Quills' Hump Day Blurb Share!    

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday Reviews!

Choose the best one-liner from a review (a single sentence) and share in comments. It doesn't matter how much time has passed. All reviews are new to someone. Don't forget your buy link and website/blog link. Have fun!

Share your participation with a ready-to-go tweet.
Or make your own.

Discover great reads on Exquisite Quills' Tuesday Review!   

Monday, September 22, 2014

NEW! One Line Monday

This new Monday meme is about perfect sentences: the single line we read that makes us say, damn, that's good!

In comments, tempt us with a single powerful sentence from your novel.
Don't forget your buy link and website/blog link. Have fun!

 Share your participation with our
ready-to-go tweet. Or make your own.

Discover great reads. Exquisite Quills' One Line Monday!    

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Snippet Sunday!

Sometimes a little goes a long way. In comments, share a snippet one to three sentences long.

Be sure to add your website/blog link and one link to where your books can be found. Example: Your Amazon Author's Page.

Share your participation with our
ready-to-go tweet or make your own!

Discover great reads on Exquisite Quills' Sunday Snippet!