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Discover great reads. Exquisite Quills' Thursday 13! http://exquisitequills.blogspot.com/
April 1860, Echo Canyon, Utah Territory, U.S.A.
She smelled blood. Its metallic tang assailed her senses, before it was overshadowed by the stench of death. Stepping back to scan the sheer wall of the bluff rising before her, her breath caught in her throat, and a sob escaped. Finally, she'd found him. A scuffed black boot and fur coat showed through the snow, his body wedged into the bottom of a crevice three feet above her head. She looked up to the top of the cliff, from which he must have fallen, but saw no one.
Finding handholds where there were none, Aleksandra Lekarski scrambled up the wall as her heart constricted in her chest. She tugged her father's cold, stiff body free and down onto level ground, giving thanks he'd been out of reach of the wolves, whose tracks abounded in the snow where she now stood. Her world blurred as she dropped to her knees and cradled his lifeless head in her lap, rocking him. Ceaseless tears flowed down her doeskin tunic.
With a numbing pain in her mind, she ran shaking hands over him, seeking answers. What could have made an experienced trapper like Krzysztof Lekarski fall off a bluff and succumb to a death more suited to a greenhorn?
Lizzi Tremayne
Buy link: http://lizzitremayne.com/store/ All formats digital and softcover.
'It might have been the mare that did it, stopping dead in her tracks, nearly dropping Aleksandra over her shoulder, or maybe it was the flies that buzzed around the blood pooling beneath the butchered man in the Express station doorway. Whichever it was, it got her full attention.’
From A Long Trail Rolling by Lizzi Tremayne
By E. Ayers
“If I’m going to call you Tae, will you call me Max?”
“Certainly.” A genuine smile spread over her face. A little male attention was always welcomed, but there was something different about Max, something sincere about his camaraderie. Something that made her very comfortable.
Tae made tea and then sat with her foot propped on a chair. Max told her a little about the IED and what had happened.
“I was still recovering from my wounds when I lost my parents. That left me the heir to Hutton Designs. I’ve been to the corporate office on several occasions, but the concept of recluse is actually a blessing. I can work from home and I have less stress as a result.”
International buying link for Amazon
Available as a Kindle Unlimited
HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS, a ShapeShifter Seductions Presents Novel
*13 sentences* from Chapter Forty-three ~
Tears welled in her eyes instantly, embarrassingly. As she blinked them away, Sherilyn felt darn glad she wore waterproof mascara--silly as that was in a way.
"Thank...thank you," she stuttered, managing to quell her urge to breakdown and weep.
"Thank you?" Dontoya gently teased.
"I--the men I've known didn't bother with acknowledging my emotions." Sherilyn couldn't help the bitterness in her tone.
"You have such expressive eyes, beautiful mate. But, I'm bettin' you've been shut down once too often. Haven't you?"
Keeping his knuckles curled beneath her chin, Dontoya pulled a white hankie from the side pocket of his jacket. With tenderness, he dabbed away her teardrops.
"You know, I've lost parts of myself...parts I never ever wanted to lose." Facing down her fear, Sherilyn spoke her next words. "Now, maybe I can recover what I've lost...with you and Zance."
"Those precious parts of you, sweetheart, will be recovered soon..."
Blurb-Excerpts-Link: ~http://savannakougar.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~savannakougar.com~
LEGALLY UNDEAD by Margo Bond Collins
The worst thing about vampires is that they're dead. That whole wanting to suck your blood business runs a close second, but for sheer creepiness, it's the dead bit that gets me every time. They're up and walking around and talking and sucking blood, but they're dead. It's just wrong.
I was twenty-four the first time I . . . destroyed? dispatched? . . . a vampire. That's when I found out that all the books and movies are wrong. When you stick a wooden stake into their hearts, vampires don't disintegrate into dust. They don't explode. They don't spew blood everywhere. They just look surprised, groan, and collapse into a pile of corpse. But at least they lie still then, like corpses are supposed to.
~Aim for the Heart~ : http://www.MargoBondCollins.net
From the third book in the Immortal Relations series, "Immortal Relations Coming Out" http://amzn.com/B00G5BQS18 This is part of a reformed Vlad Dracula, explaining his early blood-thirsty days:
"Locked away, I soon became crazed with the desire for blood I would have otherwise found on the battlefield. Many fellow prisoners died because of it and after my escape I was a plague on the land.”
With downcast eyes Vlad thought, “Which is where the myths, legends and stories about me started – I’m afraid I earned them all.”
I reached over and patted him on the arm saying, “I’m sorry I brought up a topic that has induced clearly painful memories for you.”
Vlad smiled at me, “No, it is alright. If you haven’t heard the story before I think you need to know the type of vampire you follow. I hope it won’t detract from our relationship.”
“Never fear of my continued admiration and respect for you. You were a great leader fighting to free your people from an oppressive invader. Since you had no one to guide you after you were changed, as a ‘newborn’ vampire you did what came naturally. However, it begs the question, how did you stop?”
“I married again and she helped me overcome the constant thirst, giving me some of her own blood, and she brought me back to God.”
With tears in my eyes I thought, in reply to Vlad, “Women are clearly the superior gender, without them we men would be little better than wild beasts. “
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