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Rachel had trouble finding the bar, located in a marginal neighborhood several streets removed from well-lit Virginia Street. The red neon script that spelled out Dante's shone like a beacon to the depraved.
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From "Hot Flash"
She kept a reassuring arm around her son but shifted him to her side so they could face the enemy together.
Normally, she had a healthy respect for the law. But this was Tanner Jones, and that made all the difference.
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At seeing his grin, her frown deepened. “I believe it’s improper for you to stare at a lady so.”
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Grace Talbot gripped the steering wheel of her white four-wheel-drive truck. Every muscle in her body tensed as she leaned closer to the windshield, straining her eyes, searching the blowing snow for the reflector poles that lined the road, or for any tire track, which would indicate someone else had driven through recently.
Traveling the remote rural Wyoming road in a blizzard was risky, and she would have avoided such a stupid act if her Uncle Moss wasn’t in the hospital fighting for his life and Butch, his only hired ranch hand, wasn’t dead.
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From The Highland Lass - Scotland in the present and past!
She had to laugh, at least he had a sense of humour and certainly didn’t fit the worn out stereotype of a dour Scot. But he was also impressively broad of chest and dark of hair, with penetrating eyes, and just for a moment she could imagine him striding across some heather-clad hill in a kilt. Heavens, what on earth was she thinking? She had obviously been away too long if she was starting to think like a tourist.
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Her screams rained down like blows; Colin stumbled backward. "But I didn't . . ."
"You did!" She looked wildly about, scrabbled with one hand in the dirt beneath the bench, and gripping Brice's dagger, raised it accusingly. "Come one step nearer, and I'll gut you myself."
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"Thank you, Mr. Stone, but you don't have to trouble yourself. This is my problem. I created it and it's up to me to fix it."
"Actually, it's my problem, too. It's my hire car you're
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Laura closed her eyes in exasperation. Of course it was.
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While Lily daydreamed GQ man crossed the gym and started up the bleachers filled with parents and kids. Now he stood on the plank below her, tall enough that he still looked down to her.
From Rob's Rebellion:
Colonel Robert Walker led the squad of Federation Guard soldiers as they marched down the shuttle ramp and surrounded the unfortunate Major Reynolds, who waited on the blackened surface of the spaceport landing field.
Rob's Rebellion on Amazon:
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She turned her piercing eyes on him and they opened wide with a shock to match his. Tense breaths raised and lowered his chest beneath her palm as he waited for her to pull away, the danger from the other men fading beneath the subtle press of her skin against his. Helena's touch had never rattled him to his boot heels like this woman's, which was igniting him like a reed set to the coals.
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