Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Saturday Blog Party! #blog

Are you an author who also blogs? It's a terrific way to show just how versatile your writing is. Today's meme highlights our blog posts for the past week. In comments, share the titles of your blog topics along with your blog link

Why not scroll through the participants and do some visiting yourself?  Have fun!

Share your participation on Twitter,, and Facebook with this
ready-to-go tweet. Or make your own! Sharing expands all our reach.

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Claire Gem said...

Good morning! I blogged yesterday over at the SoulMate Press Author's blog about marketing for authors. The Dread "M" Word: Part II, where I talk about the right way to utilize Goodreads. Stop by!

Soul Mate Authors Blog

AuthorSuite Blog said...

Hi, I'll like to share my current blog post, which features places, pictures & a brief description of the exotic places that make up the setting of a troubling literary story. Stop by and enjoy!

AuthorSuite Blog

Barbara White Daille said...

Hi! At my blog, The Daille-y News, the current post is a teaser called "First sight of his son."

I share book clips, writing info, and a mix of my own posts and guest blogs. I'm hosting quite a few guest Spotlights over the summer.

Upcoming entries this week include a post about perfection--or not. ;)

Stop by and check it out!

The Daille-y News (Blog)

Thanks, EQ.

Alina K. Field said...

Hi, everyone! I have a highly educational post up about....CHOCOLATE!