Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Saturday Blog Party! #blog

Are you an author who also blogs? It's a terrific way to show just how versatile your writing is. Today's meme highlights our blog posts for the past week. In comments, share your blog topics along with your blog link

Why not scroll through the participants and do some visiting yourself?  Have fun!

Share your participation on Twitter,, and Facebook with this
ready-to-go tweet. Or make your own! Sharing expands our reach.

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Marie Laval said...

On my blog today you will find two Greek recipes by Denysé Bridger, one of the nine international authors of the romantic anthology LETTERBOX LOVE STORIES!

Marian said...

Today I'm talking about making time to read. Last weekend was glorious. I turned off all my electronics, except of course my Nook. In three days I read three books. Check out my post here.…re-you-reading

Marian said...

Here's the correct link.

Michele Zurlo said...

I'm looking at character creation on my blog, Kissing Bandits:

Jacqueline Seewald said...

My new blog on Fiction and Feminism discusses female role models among other things. Hope you will join me at:

Helen Henderson said...

My blog Journey to the Stars and Worlds of Imagination will be in release mode for the next week as it features Hatchling's Vengeance.

Stop by for excerpts and a cover reveal.

Hatchling's Vengeance, Book 4 of the Dragshi Chronicles - Vengeance takes many paths—and has a long memory.

thefensk said...

Was offline yesterday. But modt weekends I try to post sonething to the #weekendcoffeeshare. This week it was fun facts about cats.

Rose Anderson said...

That's ok. Stats show visitors scroll down to view previous posts.

Janice Seagraves said...

Thank you for the invite to post. Here mine about a new cover: