Meet the Exquisite Quill Authors

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Saturday Blog Party! #blog

Are you an author who also blogs? It's a terrific way to show just how versatile your writing is. Today's meme highlights our blog posts for the past week. In comments, share the titles of your blog topics along with your blog link

Why not scroll through the participants and do some visiting yourself?  Have fun!

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ready-to-go tweet. Or make your own! Sharing expands all our reach.

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Joan said...

Wow, I can't believe I am the first to post today!
My blogs are mostly about writing! (I used to also regularly post food and performing tips, now those are occasional)
A recent group of blogs tracked how a picture book (one of mine) went/goes from idea to publication.

I just posted on the topic of heritage--how my heritage informs all that I do, all that I write.
Books, poems, essays and more.
Look forward to having some of you visit.
Thanks for reading.

Hywela Lyn said...

That sounds really interesting, Joan!

Hywela Lyn said...
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Hywela Lyn said...
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Hywela Lyn said...

I hope this is allowed - I usually host other authors on my blog, with the occasional ramble of my own - it's supposed to be every Monday but I often don't make it, or have someone guesting on that day. Today, however, I'm on someone else's blog - or to be more correct, my hero and heroine from 'Beloved Enemy' are. This is the link:


Amazon Author Page

(Apologies for multiple deletions, I seem to have had multiple posts for some reason!